El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el COVID-19 aumenta en las mujeres que ingresan a la menopausia. También identificar si las mujeres premenopáusicas que toman hormonas exógenas en forma de píldora anticonceptiva oral combinada (AOC) y las mujeres posmenopáusicas que toman terapia de reemplazo hormonal (TRH) tienen tasas pronosticadas más bajas de COVID-19, utilizando un modelo de investigación basado en síntomas.
Background Men and older women have been shown to be at higher risk of adverse COVID-19 outcomes. Animal model studies of SARS-CoV and MERS suggest that the age and sex difference in COVID-19 symptom severity may be due to a protective effect of the female sex hormone estrogen. Females have shown an ability to mount a stronger immune response to a variety of viral infections because of more robust humoral and cellular immune responses.
Objectives We sought to determine whether COVID-19 positivity increases in women entering menopause. We also aimed to identify whether premenopausal women taking exogenous hormones in the form of the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) and post-menopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have lower predicted rates of COVID-19, using our published symptom-based model.
Design The COVID Symptom Study developed by King’s College London and Zoe Global Limited was launched in the UK on 24th March 2020. It captured self-reported information related to COVID-19 symptoms. Data used for this study included records collected between 7th May – 15th June 2020.
Main outcome measures We investigated links between COVID-19 rates and 1) menopausal status, 2) COCP use and 3) HRT use, using symptom-based predicted COVID-19, tested COVID-19, and disease severity based on requirement for hospital attendance or respiratory support.
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